The fifth edition of the Amazonian Symposium on Physics was mainly focused on Gravitation, celebrating the 100 years of the first experimental test of General Relativity.
The fourth edition of the Amazonian Symposium on Physics was mainly focused on Gravitation, celebrating the 100 years of the first solutions of Einstein’s equation, with special emphasis to the 1917 de Sitter solution. We will also celebrate the 60 years of Atsushi Higuchi, from the University of York.
Latest Amazonian Symposium Physics (ASP)
The third edition of the Amazonian Symposium on Physics was mainly focused on Gravitation, celebrating the 100 years of the publication of the Theory of General Relativity, by Albert Einstein.
The second edition of the Amazonian Symposium on Physics was mainly focused on Analogue Models of Gravity, celebrating the 30 years of the publication of Bill Unruh’s paper "Experimental Black-Hole Evaporation?" (PRL, vol. 46, p. 1351-1353, 1981), which played a seminal role leading to the currently vibrant field of Analogue Models of Gravity.
The Amazonian Symposium on Physics (ASP) is an introductory to mid-level symposium intended to be regularly held by the Graduate Program in Physics at the Pará University.
The VI Amazonian Symposium on Physics is targeted for young researchers and graduate students in Physics, as well as for last-year undergraduate students, wishing to learn about Gravitation, from some of the world’s leading experts.
The VI ASP will be held in the Belém Campus of the Federal University of Pará. In the gateway to Amazonia, the Belém Campus is located on the shore of the river Guamá, one of the rivers which form the Guajará bay.
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