The Amazonian Workshop on Black Holes and Analogue Models of Gravity is an introductory to mid-level meeting intended to be regularly held by the Graduate Program in Physics at the Pará University.

             The Amazonian Workshop on Black Holes and Analogue Models of Gravity is targeted for young researchers and graduate students in Physics, as well as for last-year undergraduate students, wishing to quickly learn advanced topics in General Relativity  and Analogue Models of Gravity from some of the world’s experts.

             The IV Amazonian Workshop on Black Holes and Analogue Models of Gravity will be held in the Belém Campus of the Federal University of Pará. In the gateway to Amazonia, the Belém Campus is located on the shore of the river Guamá, one of the rivers which form the Guajará bay.


Aerial view of the Belém Campus of the Federal University of Pará, where the Amazonian Workshop on Black Holes and Analogue Models of Gravity is held . Photo by Manoel Neto.

Fundação Amazônia Paraense

Previous Workshops:


· I AWBHAMG (2012)


· II AWBHAMG (2013)


· III AWBHAMG (2014)


Invited Speakers


Organizing Committee



List of Registrations

Information about Belém

Travel and Visa Informations


